Monday, October 20, 2008

Excited for sequals...

So here is the deal, recently while browsing X-box Live I realized that nearly every game that I plan to review is the second or third in its individual series. It is nice to be past the days of a new "genre defining story for the ages" and to see that stories are actually being finished. I suppose that we all have the "Halo" franchise brought to us by the boys from Bungie to thank for that. Needless to say I am totally stoked to be playing many of these big titles coming up such as:

Fable II, Via "Lionhead Studios" (unfortunately only famous for the prequel)
Release date: tomorrow! (10-21-08)

Far Cry 2, Via "Ubisoft" (famous for anything Tom Clancy)
Release date: tomorrow! (10-21-08)

Fallout 3, Via "Bethesda Studios" (famous for "the Elder Scrolls" series and ground breaking graphics and physics engines)
Release date: 10-23-08

Destroy all Humans: The path of Furon, Via "Sandblast Games" (a subsidiary of THQ, famous for Saints Row, and the first Destroy all Humans)
Release date: 11-3-08

Gears of War 2, Via "Microsoft Studios" (famous for Publishing the Halo series, and for the Project Gotham Racing series)
Release date: 11-7-08

and last but not least,

Call of Duty: World at War, Via Treyarch (famous for the WWII genre definers Call of duty one through three)

So there you have it, its a schedule that should prove to keep me busy till Christmas.

"Gaming so you don't have to..."

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